Filmmaker Q+A : Alec Cheer on Night Kaleidoscope Soundtrack
Alec Cheer is a Glasgow based musician, performing under the name 'Cheer'. His film work has been nominated for a BAFTA Scotland NT...
Feature Q+A : The Micro Budget Film Lab Movement
We've made a friend! We spoke to the Micro Budget Film Lab, a great movement who are doing some fantastic things. And you should...
Article and Interview : TF6 'Big Gold Dream' Pitchfork Interview with Director Grant McPhee
We were lucky to be interviewed by leading music magazine Pitchfork for our soon to be released documentaries TF6 Big Gold Dream and TF11...
Article and Interview : TF6 'Big Gold Dream' in Vice Magazine
Vice Magazine spoke to us for an article on Tartan Features TF6 'Big Gold Dream'. Grant McPhee is the man behind 'The Sound of Young...
Interview : TF1 'Sarah's Room'. Hanna Standbridge on Acting in a Micro Budget Feature
Originally from an article written by Neil Rolland in 2014 Hanna Stanbridge plays the mysterious, manipulative title character in Sarah’s...
Interview : TF1 'Sarah's Room'. Director Grant McPhee on Shooting a Feature in 5 Days
An article originally written by Neil Rolland in early 2014. A lot has changed since then and a new update to the making of Sarah's Room...
Interview : TF1 'Sarah's Room'. Acting with Kitty Colquhoun and Shooting 5 Day Features
From an article written by Neil Rolland in 2014 Kitty Colquhoun only started acting two years ago. In Sarah’s Room she takes on the role...
Interview : TF1 'Sarah's Room' Patrick O'Brien Discusses Acting in a Micro Budget Fe
Neil Rolland Interviewed Patrick O'Brien for his role in TF1 ' Sarah's Room' for an article in 2014 Patrick O’Brien plays the lead role...
Interview : TF1 Sarah's Room - Interview with Director Grant McPhee over at Film Buzz
FilmBuzz interviewed director Grant McPhee for TF1 - Sarah's Room A psychedelic ambient horror/thriller. Joe returns home from a...