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Review Roundup: Big Gold Dream

The previously untold story of a post-punk/indie music scene that reverberated from Edinburgh, throughout the UK and beyond has raked up some impressive reviews. We;ve rounded some extra ones up below.


Spearheaded by director Grant McPhee, who spent over ten years collecting reviews with different bands and figureheads from that particular time period, this is well-knitted together documentary that’s deserving of an audience who can reminisce about a time past.

Film Pulse

For music history aficionados who are interested in the story behind the sound of young Scotland in the ’70 and ’80s that paved the way for many of the pop groups to become big at that time, Big Gold Dreams is worth checking out. You may also find a few bands you never previously heard of which is always a nice bonus.


If you’re a fan of punk, either in musical terms or just the rough ‘n’ ready mindset of DIY artistry that it encompasses, then you owe it to yourself to see this. It’s like an hour and a half of fun time-travel. With added spitting.

Radical Independent Music

If there is one individual who captivates and seduces the camera throughout the film, then it has to be Davey Henderson, who continues to make ground breaking indie music with his latest incarnation, The Sexual Objects, along with Douglas MacIntyre, Simon Smeeton and Iain Holford.

Only Davey could come up with the wheeze of releasing only one copy of The Sexual Objects’s second LP, “Marshmallow” and sell it on eBay for more than £4,000! The man is a natural comic genius as well as being a superb musician, and should be officially designated a Scottish national music treasure.

Not surprisingly we gave “Big Gold Dream: Scottish Post-Punk and Infiltrating the Mainstream” a five star audience rating on our EIFF ballot papers and if there is one thing you must absolutely do this year, then it is to see this magnificent film.


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