Welcome to TF Year Zero

Welcome to the new website for TF Year Zero! We are extremely proud to launch the new site in conjunction with our very own Indie-DIY Festival on June the 19th 2016!
Here's the final line-up for the festival. Exciting films, talks, music, networking, discussion - all for £3. Maybe even a free drink too! A day featuring a very diverse selection of what Scottish Indie film offers - so please spread the word! Come and have a great day away from the glitzy showbiz world, be inspired, meet people just like you who want to make a change, get your hands dirty and make a film when you leave.
Tam Dean Burn is Master of Ceremonies
11:00 - 11.45 > TF Event Launch.
11.45 – 12.45 > 'Anant' . Short Film with Q&A with Film Producer and Production Manager for US TV Drama 'Outlander', Michael Wilson. Discussion on the film and links between independent and established film industries. http://www.imdb.com/video/wab/vi604546585
13.00 - 15.00 'Where Do We Go From Here' + Q&A with Director John McPhail https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMeCbL6als8
15:15 – 15: 30 - 'Take Your Partners' award winning short film with director Siri Rodnes and producer Stuart Condy. https://vimeo.com/151651319
15.45 - 17.45 'Big Gold Dream' + Q&A with award winning Director Grant McPhee, Q+A hosted by arts journalist Neil Cooper https://vimeo.com/122674789
18:00- 18:15. 'Mining Poems Or Odes' BAFTA wining short film from director Callum Rice. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmWmoj1G6-E
18.15 - 19.00 Panel Discussion "The Future of Micro-Budget Filmmaking in Scotland' including John McPhail and Lauren Lamarr
19.00 - 20.30 - Music and Networking. DJ Angus McPake and his Dansette. https://www.facebook.com/The-GO-GO-97061581293/